Our approach to responsibility

For us, responsibility isn’t just about compliance – it’s about doing the right thing by our people, stakeholders and the wider world.

Top down view of a wind turbine Top down view of a wind turbine

Our Focus Areas

Delinian is a people business. Our success and the value we create for customers comes from the work our people do every day. We need to employ the best talent, and we recognise that this resides in all demographics and abilities.

However, it is not enough just to have the right people – we want them to reach their full potential and thrive. To do this, they need to feel they belong; to be motivated and engaged; empowered and nurtured; and have their well-being needs supported.

We believe in capitalism and that capitalism requires efficient markets where businesses compete fairly, which we facilitate by providing data and insights. We also believe in the contribution business makes to society by generating wealth for owners, providing employment, paying tax and supporting communities in other ways.

We believe that efficient markets and fulfilling societal responsibilities also require that market participants operate with transparency, adopt ethical practices, establish strong governance frameworks and manage risk robustly.

Proprietary data, analysis, news and insights are the foundation of our customer offer. For this information to be valuable it must be accurate, useful, and legal. Among other guarantors of quality, we therefore need to deliver the highest standards of information security.

We also hold information on our customers – we need to be trusted to safeguard this data securely and use it responsibly.

As well as the actions we take internally, we believe that we are well positioned to shape good ESG practices in the markets we serve through raising the profile of ESG matters such as inclusion and diversity and climate change, and by expanding our footprint in ESG-related areas.

We encourage good practices through our events, in the stories and reports we write, in our investment research, and in the awards and benchmarks we coordinate.

We curate a diverse range of voices, topics and data and are also focused on developing new products to serve the ESG needs of customers, for example pricing for the renewables commodities sector and ESG-related investment models in Asset Management.


We are not a high-carbon emitting organisation, but we recognise the need to play our part and reduce both our climate and other environmental impacts.

We aim to be leaders in running environmentally sustainable events through appropriate sourcing and waste reduction and by lowering the carbon footprint per attendee, and we continue to look for ways to reduce energy use in our offices and our equipment.

Our code of conduct

Our code promotes honest, ethical and lawful conduct. You can find our full code in this PDF download.

Download our Code of Conduct

Speak up

We also have a policy of enabling employees, partners or customers to raise any concerns confidentially. It’s called Speak Up.

Energy and carbon disclosures

We are committed to reducing emissions across our operations. It’s about minimising our impact and preparing our business for future environmental risks and opportunities. Here are the results, in alignment with Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements, of our 2020 carbon footprint (1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020) and some of the actions we’ve taken.

2020 energy and carbon footprint

Our Group’s total carbon footprint for 2020 was 4,100 t CO2e. Emissions from UK operations contributed 39% or 1,600 t CO2e. The table below sets out our 2020 direct and indirect emissions and total energy use, with our 2019 results for comparison.


We based our calculations on the widely recognised GHG Protocol methodology developed by the World Resource Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. The methodology is also in line with HMG Environmental Reporting Guidelines.

Emission factors used in our carbon footprint were predominantly sourced from BEIS conversion factors 2020. This data is collated and independently reviewed by environmental consultancy ICF, who calculate our carbon footprint. The results of the footprint have not been audited by a third-party assurance company.

Scope 1, 2 and 3 includes the following sources of GHG emissions:

  • Scope 1 (direct emissions): combustion of natural gas and oil for, and leakage of refrigerant gases used in the cooling systems, use of diesel and gasoline in owned vehicles used for business purposes and other transportation under our operational responsibility
  • Scope 2 (indirect emissions): production of electricity imported from the grid and consumed by our offices
  • Scope 3 (other indirect emissions): rail and air travel for business purposes. We have not attempted to measure indirect working at home emissions within this scope.

Energy management practices

This year has seen a reduction of 53% of our gross carbon emissions and 44% of our GHG emissions intensity compared to 2019. This is a result of exploring many feasible ways to reduce energy consumption across our offices and operations.

For example, while covid-19 has impacted our operations for most of the year, our reduction in Scope 3 also comes from our investment in video conferencing technology for of our offices.

Other initiatives include:

  • Investment in more efficient systems – installing motion sensor light systems and energy efficient lighting fittings, centrally controlled ventilation systems and replacing hot water boilers
  • Cloud data hosting – reducing the demand for air conditioning and power requirements, in comparison to dedicated server rooms
  • Green energy procurement – in our head office in Bouverie Street, one of our largest consumers of electricity, we only use renewable energy sources. Our current supplier operates under a green tariff scheme
  • Flexible working arrangements and co-working spaces – in some businesses, we have flexible working arrangements with co-working spaces. This reduces our rented office space and the cost of upkeep, as well as the absolute carbon impact
  • Ride2work scheme – we encourage our employees to buy bicycles, by paying the costs upfront and deducting instalments from their monthly salary

2021 commitments

Working with our employees and suppliers, we will continue to explore practical ways to reduce energy consumption. For example, the switch to remote working presents the opportunity to review how much office space we rent – this could reduce our carbon footprint as well the impact of employees not commuting to work.

Governance and policy

We take governance seriously at Delinian. So we’ve developed numerous policies to define and oversee some important aspects of our operations.

Gender pay gap

Since it became law in 2017, we’ve met our requirements to report on the gender pay gap. This is the difference in the average hourly wage of all men and women across our workforce.

Download our gender pay gap reports:

Annual Report

Ethics and Compliance

Modern Slavery Statement